jv16 PowerTools 2011 v2.0.0.1002 RC1 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於登錄檔、檔案系統和本機網路的監控與優化軟體)
jv16 PowerTools2011 為您提供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於登錄檔、檔案
系統和本機網路的監控與優化。登錄'檔工具可以維護Windows 加入/刪除軟體清單;移
What's New in jv16 PowerTools 2011 RC1:
Bug fix: Loading the list of backups in the Backup Tool can abort after click
on the main menu (File, Select, etc.).
Bug fix: A new item created in the Startup Manager don′t show in the list of
this tool. The new item don′t show not even in the second session of the
Buf fix: File Encrypt/Decrypt feature can crash to "Cannot open file".
Bug fix: Clean and Fix crashes when attempting to FIX certain History
items. It can REMOVE them, but the FIX element crashes.
Bug fix: Saving the list of Software Uninstaller causes formating tags (e.
g. "
![jv16 PowerTools 2011 v2.0.0.1002 RC1 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於登錄檔、檔案系統和本機網路的監控與優化軟體)](file://c:\program files\xxxxxx\xxx.exe)
") to be included
to the file.
Bug fix: The contents of the detailed description field of the Registry
Cleaner cannot be translated.
Bug fix: The Fix button of the Registry Cleaner and Clean and Fix My Computer
can cause "List index out of bounds (0)" crash.
Bug fix: The Open in RegEdit Right-Click option doesn't always work for all
items, especially with the Registry Monitor. When the problem occurs, RegEdit
opens but the correct key does not.
Bug fix: In Mass File Renamer the drag and drop of the renaming blocks
doesn't work properly.
Bug fix: Long File Finder operations can hang the program (i.e. it never
Improvement: Increased the speed of the program by removing some remaining
debug code.
Improvement: Greatly increased the speed of the File Finder and File
Homepage - http://www.macecraft.com
jv16 PowerTools 2009 v1.9.0.580 繁體中文正式版(系統優化工具軟體)
jv16 PowerTools 2009 v1.9.0.550 繁體中文正式版(註冊表工具監控與優化軟體)
jv16 PowerTools 2008 v1.8.0.466 繁體中文正式版(註冊表工具監控與優化軟體)
Jv16 PowerTools 2007 v1.7.0.398 繁體中文正式版(系統優化軟體)
NETGATE Registry Cleaner v16.0.405.0 英文正式版(註冊表優化清理軟體)
jv16 PowerTools 2009 v1.9.0.590 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(全面管理、控制,可用於註冊表、檔案系統和本地網路的監控與優化軟體)
jv16 PowerTools 2011 v2.0.0.1007 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於登錄檔、檔案系統和本機網路的監控與優化軟體)