瘋狂機器 2 Crazy Machines 2 plus Addon PROPER 英文正式版(Puzzle遊戲軟體)
Install game
Copy the content from the SKIDROW directory on the CD to
your installation directory and overwrite
Play the game
Additional information:
Remember to check our cool cracktro first!
瘋狂機器 2》是一款類似不可思議機器的智力遊戲,不僅畫面更加出色,而且包含了超過100個新奇的
關卡和更多的奇妙道具。 進入了瘋狂機器實驗室中,你可以瞭解到月球引力起作用的時候有什麼奇妙
CPY released this yesterday and while it got nuke a few places
for being a dupe of the previous released edition by ViTALiTY,
then the nuke reason isn't valid.
A more accurate reason would be for not tagging the directory
properly - CPY's release also feature a major "Back to the
Shop" Addon.
Still, something wasn't right as we discovered their release
was missing a full "Liquid Laboratory" campaign plus the
PhysX-exclusive campaign was oudated (you could tell that from
the logo which was the AGEIA one instead of NVIDIA's) which
made some newest PhysX-enabled card & now its clear
We dicided to look a bit further into the the CPY release and
found several file inconsistencies, when we compared
byte-by-byte theirs with our steam bought release.
CPY's 039ADED2-6737-42B2-B53F-0FE01483DFF0 = 1.520.765 bytes
our's 039ADED2-6737-42B2-B53F-0FE01483DFF0 = 1.522.108 bytes
CPY's cm2.exe = 163.840 bytes
our's cm2.exe = 499.712 bytes
There are several other differences, like missing files.
Whatever strange source CPY used for their release, then one
thing is certainly clear, it's not a directly steam supplied
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